Good water

Thanks to the ÖKO bottle, no more water in plastic bottles, long live tap water.
To check the good taste of the water, taste it lukewarm, the temperature highlights the true taste of the water, thanks to the ÖKO bottle the water is perfect. Thank you ÖKO.

Perfect for everyday use!

This bottle is perfect for everyday use regardless of the activity!
The quality is there and the purified water is a real pleasure to consume.
For those who previously drank tap water, you will find the real taste of water, coffee, tea, etc.

The only point to improve in my opinion is the increment of the fillings of the bottle, in fact the mobile app is very well done, intuitive and very easy to use, however, I think it would be interesting to make the app compatible with connected watches and thus be able to increment the fillings of the bottle with a simple press on an icon on the watch.
Where again a connected filter which itself quantifies the quantity of water which passes through it, but. At what price ?
Improving the mobile app would be a big plus for customers who do not want to buy more expensive filters.

Thank you for your consideration and for this incredible product!

My yellow water bottle

Super practical and safe innovation, just the little cap of the pacifier which doesn't stay in place much bothers me, but otherwise for everything else I love it! Plus she's so beautiful!

I finally drink more water!

Since I have my 1l water bottle. I drink a lot more water. Before I only drank tea and herbal teas but now that I find the taste of water better, I consume a lot more.

I use it for everything: top !

It's been less than a month since I acquired my bottle (500ml) but already I'm very happy with it. It seems robust to me and also very practical with the integrated hanging system. I use it whenever I have to use water in a place where I am not sure of the water: washing my teeth, for my infusions, tea, coffee and of course to consume water. Plus I know what quantity I drink each day. I'm thinking of buying two more 1 L ones just to make it easier when traveling and at work. I recommend!!!


I love practical and efficient.
I plan to give some to my family and friends

Excellent water bottle

Acquired the 1L black tactical very recently and it has changed my daily life as well as my sessions!! Bottle of excellent quality, the filtration system is very efficient, no need to worry about refilling with water. This particularly impacted my sports sessions where I very quickly ran out of water with the water bottle oko problem solved!! Thank you very much and of course I highly recommend
It changed my daily life


The bottle is of very good quality, I recommend it in tactical black for the color, it is very beautiful,
The filter works well and the Oko Counter application is easy to use
Washes well in the dishwasher (do not put the filter)

650ml water bottle

A very effective water bottle that I have been looking for for months to use in nature. The taste of tap water is breathtaking. I'm on my 2nd bottle, I recommend it to my friends and family who have also placed an order. Very practical, you fill the bottle, you don't wait and you drink!!!
I'm so happy to have my empty water bottle in my hiking backpack which reduces the weight.
Thanks to ÖKO, no more plastic bottles polluting the planet, everyone should equip themselves with this bottle.

Gourde parfaite au quotidien

J ai acheté cette gourde après avoir testé plusieurs autres types de filtre de marques concurrentes mais j ai toujours été déçu par le débit lors de l utilisation. De plus les autres filtres ne sont pas efficaces contre les virus donc pour moi c était aussi une raison supplémentaire pour investir dans cette gourde. La facilité d’utilisation, le goulot large ce qui permet un remplissage rapide, l anneau qui permet d accrocher facilement la gourde au sac. Bref que des avantages !
J en ai acheté pour toute la famille et mes filles adorent les couleurs.
J ai pu tester la gourde en bivouac, nous avons bu l eau d un petit cours d eau sans se tracasser.
Je m en sers tous les jours , à la maison, au boulot (fini l eau au goût infect de la fontaine) , mes filles l utilisent à l école et en stage .

Quand on sait tout ce qui se retrouvent même dans l eau du robinet je suis content de boire de l eau filtrée grâce à oko.
Petit plus non négligeable, le service client est très réactif à tous les niveaux !
Les cinq étoiles sont amplement méritées

Comme eux, choisissez ÖKO

Et bénéficiez d'un produit devenu indispensable au quotidien !

Faites des économies permanentes d'euros et de plastique ! Faites du bien à vos cellules !

Depuis son lancement fin 2018 en Europe, elle remplace la célèbre carafe filtrante à côté de l'évier dans nos chaumières ! Mobile, plus efficace et plus hygiénique !

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